How to Add Multiple Streams of Income to Your Private Practice

Now, that you are beyond the beginner level, learn the secrets to earning more money and experiencing more freedom while making a huge difference in the lives of others as a private practitioner.


Here’s What You’ll Learn:

✓ Why Having Multiple Streams of Income Is Essential to Growing Your Practice

✓ 8 Ways to Expand and Diversify Your Income

✓ Which Revenue Streams to Set Up Now to Be in Place in 2023

✓ The Biggest Difference Between Successful and Struggling Private Practices

✓ The Most Popular Revenue Streams of Grow Your Private Practice Members and How Much They’re Bringing Into Their Practice

The truth is that you’re off to a great start, and now it’s time to
grow your private practice by focusing on the right things. 
Join below to find out how.

Growth Secret #1

What got you here, won’t get you there. Your first set of clients were likely “low hanging fruit.”  Now it’s time to learn how to consistently fill your caseload.

Growth Secret #2

It’s possible to generate more income than what is typically available on a traditional path in half the time. Together, we’ll cover exactly how.

Growth Secret #3

You need to hire, but WHO you hire in what order will make all the difference in being able to go full time with your private practice.

You started this practice to make a difference in the lives of others and your own family - being able to pay for kids camps, kitchen renovations, sponsoring a t-ball team, being able to donate to your charities. It’s simpler than you realize. 

Join below to find out how.

You chose this profession to make a difference in the world with your gifts, passion and talents.

I’m Jena Castro-Casbon, MS CCC-SLP. I’m a speech-language pathologist and consultant who loves helping SLPs build successful private practices.

Since 2008, I have helped over 15,000+ “regular SLPs” become successful private practitioners, step-by-step. Very few SLPs learn about private practice in graduate school or have business backgrounds and I want to fill that gap!

I believe that SLPs are the BEST people. We are smart, kind and true helpers. Unfortunately, in most traditional SLP settings, we spend more time documenting services than we do giving them.

If you got into this field to make a difference and you want more freedom, flexibility and financial abundance in your own life, I would love to help you build a private practice full-time or “on the side” so that you can help more people on your own terms.

I’m here to help you change your life... and the lives of your future clients!

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